About Us
Authorized Distributor & Certified Installer for Lifeline System
About PT Gama Tritunggal Pratama
Authorized Distributor & Certified Installer for Lifeline System
Over the years of consistency and continual hard work, Gamatri is proud to be the authorized distributor of 3M, Safetylink, CompAir, ELGi and Godrej Compressed Air Solutions. Gamatri is also delighted to serve our customers with providing only the best quality products and services. Aside from our service, we also provide genuine products from other brands such as Honeywell, Petzl, Ansell, Kings Safety Shoes, Blue Eagle and many more. Gamatri as the certified installer only guarantee you the best work for horizontal and vertical lifeline system, certified workers, providing installation in building structures, rescue & descent, rope access, and inspections at height.
Bekerja selama bertahun-tahun dengan konsistensi dan kerja keras, Gamatri bangga telah ditunjuk menjadi distributor resmi merk 3M, Safetylink, CompAir, ELGi dan Godrej Compressed Air Solutions. Gamatri hanya menyediakan produk dan layanan dengan kualitas terbaik. Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan produk asli dari merek lain seperti Honeywell, Petzl, Ansell, Kings Safety Shoes, Blue Eagle dan banyak lagi. Gamatri sebagai pemasang (installer) bersertifikat hanya menjamin Anda pekerjaan terbaik untuk sistem horizontal dan vertikal lifeline, menyediakan pekerja yang bersertifikat, menyediakan instalasi pada struktur bangunan, penyelamatan, akses tali, dan inspeksi di ketinggian.
Brands we sell:
Serving All Across the Country
Located in industrial estate areas of Jakarta, Surabaya and Pontianak, Gamatri not only serve nearby areas. We also provide our products and services to all across Indonesia, even in remote locations such as mining areas.
Berada di kawasan industri Jakarta, Surabaya dan Pontianak, Gamatri tidak hanya melayani daerah terdekat sekitarnya. Kami juga menyediakan produk dan layanan kami ke seluruh Indonesia, bahkan di lokasi terpencil seperti area pertambangan.